This case study is about a local automotive parts manufacturer who makes specialty parts for those who appreciate high quality, high-performance parts and pieces. We worked with the client operations, sales and production teams to create a consistent and relevant content marketing program which involves online marketing, printed collateral, and in-person events.
Sluggish Sales
For the past few years, monthly online sales have hovered just enough to put a bit back into the company with little ROI. Client has streamlined production in preparation of forecasted growth.
Outdated Branding
The logo for the company represents the original owner’s legacy business and could use a re-fresh for legibility on digital devices and project a modern aesthetic.
Niched and Divergent Product Lines
The company offers built products and parts for DIY production. Products can be used in the automotive, motorcycle, and watercraft performance. These separate markets require resources split to meet them.
Updated Brand Identity
Blacktop Branding redesigned the logo with updated typography and graphic elements to project a Performance brand. We always create a Brand Design Standards for consistency in production and use of the new identity across all channels from online, broadcast, print, apparel and product. Our designs always incorporate unique and original approach to typography. We don’t just choose a font and type your name or use stock imagery as a primary design device.
Consistent and Relevant Content Marketing Program
Blacktop Branding started with our basic Monthly Content Marketing Program. Each month we would create a blog article, e-Newsletter with article teaser and featured product links and offers, a video published on their YouTube channel, and 20 complimenting social media posts on InstaGram and Facebook.
With that success in sales and brand recognition, within a year we bumped it up to a weekly article, e-Newsletter, 40 social media posts and added Pinterest to our social posts.
Focused Marketing Communications
Blacktop created content that speaks to the divergent customers individually to build brand awareness and focused offerings to each particular niche. Each niche is a sub-culture with their own language. We are expert at speaking their language to connect deeply with the target market.

As part of a team in a two year program we see online sales increase 239.4%.
With our monthly reporting we see seasonal periods that we can project and plan offerings to smoothen the line.
We have seen social engagement move forward with positive product reviews, and sharing content. The chart above shows in blue the average monthly Facebook page visits. From an average of 2,403 monthly page visits in 2022, more than doubling in 2023 at 4,993 page visits on average per month to 6,775 average monthly Facebook page visits in 2024. That is a 284% increase of brand engagement in two years!