Take A Ride On The Blacktop.
Where emotionally strategic concepts ensure a positive response with “Creative Intelligence”.
When you go on a trip, do you take the super-highway or the backroads?

The super-highway will get you to your destination faster, but you miss many opportunities. Those opportunities can benefit you in the long run, by having a richer experience and lasting memories.
The same is true with your business. We prefer to jump off the highway now and then and dig deep into the backroads of your company, competition and marketplace.
We do this in three stages.

We developed this “Strategic Marketing Map” as a guide to the discovery stage.
- Information Gather – Design Brief
- Analysis – Alternative Approaches
- Strategy – Parameters and Goals
“4 Roles of the Creative Process” (right)
Adapted from Roger Von Oech’s book: “Whack on the side of the head.”
- Explorer: Finding Ideas
- Artist: Manipulating Ideas
- Judge: Reviewing Ideas
- Warrior: Strengthening Ideas
From a discussion between art and craft I saw this venn diagram of design parameters.
- Intellectual: How the audience UNDERSTANDS the work
- Emotional: How does the work make them FEEL
- Physical: How well the work is made.